So Summer is officially up and running and I must say, it's pretty brutal. Between the nonstop thunderstorms, intoxicating heat and endless job search that I have been on; I can honestly say I can't wait 'til Fall, or to be back in San Francisco. Anyone who knows me knows that this time of year in Florida is my least favorite thing about living here. Each time I stand in the midst of the sun's blazing heat while covered in the ever increasing sticky sweaty feeling caused by the humidity, I plan where I want to move. It's honestly like clockwork.
So, as we all know most of my previous post have been a so-called bitch fest about my lack of interest in the dating world these days. I was so uninterested in it that it had gotten quite sad. I had been asked out a few times in the past couple of months but turned everyone down due to the fact that I couldn't bare to even begin to deal with the headache of it all. That all changed recently, shockingly enough it kind of did a few weeks ago actually. With that said, as I am still quite checked out of knowing how to honestly just "date" someone, I recently did meet an amazing guy who has pretty much thrown me totally for a loop by his ability to make me laugh, feel incredble about being exactly who I am and oddly enough make me love the word "Baby", which I had never liked before. While being able to do all of those great things, he also has this ever so endearing way to make me want to rip my hair out :) ...but then again, I think that has to go along with how I'm horrible at dating. I'm great at being in a relationship but the beginning is what I don't like. If I haven't already chased this poor man away with my pain in the ass ways this week, I'll be a smitten little lady for sure. By me saying he is anything short of amazing or that I really am going to keep him around for the long hall if he's willing to put up with me will be the understatement of the year. So cheers to you Coach P :)
I have been really trying to travel as much as possible lately, small trips and some big ones too. In exactly 18 days I will in Toronto with my sister visiting Philip and getting the VIP treatment like no other! After we leave Toronto Friday morning we're going to explore Niagara Falls all day then on Saturday I'm off to see two of my favorite people Vanessa and Nick get married :) . In the beginnging of August I want to go to Atlanta for the Giants vs Braves game to see my boys play as well as root for my girlfriend's husband who plays for the Giants...kill two birds with one big ol' stone right there. Savannah trip is in the works for August also for a friend's bachelorette party and I CANNOT wait for that...Georgia here I come!!!
Since this whole post was suppose to be pretty streamlined and about only one topic but has sense gone on to be about 567 others, lets just hop on over to another why don't we... I just want to say that I truly do believe I have some of the most incredible friends a girl could possibly ever ask for. I have had a pretty stressful past couple of months and they have all been by my side and listened to me complain about the same things over and over again without stopping me because they know I just need someone to listen. I've gotten to the point where I can honestly be out with a group of my best girls and literally sit back in my chair and beam over how happy they all make me. I think I acquired the ability to do that from my father. He has always taught me to just soak up every moment I'm in and cherish every little second that goes by.